


The Response enum has the following three variants:

pub enum Response {
    Custom((StatusCode, HeaderMap, String)),

Response is the required response type for every route hanlder.

An example of basic route handler is:

use tuono_lib::{Request, Response};

async fn my_route_handler(req: Request) -> Reponse {
  // ...

API handlers #[tuono_lib::api(method)] must not return the Response enum. The API handler should implement any allowed axum response type.


Allows the handler to pass data to the React route, which will be available in the data prop of the corresponding route.

The Response::Props variant takes a Props struct as its first argument, which represents the data.

use tuono_lib::{Request, Response, Props};
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct MyData {
  field1: String,
  field2: String

async fn my_route_handler(req: Request) -> Reponse {
  let my_data: MyData = remote_data_fetch().await;


The data passed as prop have to implement both Serialize and Deserialize from the serde crate.


Allows the server to redirect the current request to a given path. For example:

use tuono_lib::{Request, Response};

async fn my_route_handler(req: Request) -> Reponse {
  if !is_user_authorized() {
    return Response::Redirect("/login".to_string());
  // ...


This variant allows the route handler to skip server-side rendering in ReactJS and return the passed values instead.

For example, to generate the app's sitemaps and return an .xml file, we could write the following handler:

// src/routes/
use tuono_lib::{Request, Response};
use tuono_lib::axum::http::{header, HeaderMap, StatusCode};

async fn my_sitemaps_handler(req: Request) -> Reponse {
  let sitemaps: String = fetch_sitemaps().await;

  let mut headers = HeaderMap::new();
  headers.insert(header::CONTENT_TYPE, "text/xml".parse().unwrap());

  Response::Custom(StatusCode::Ok, headers, sitemaps)
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