
Tuono is the CLI that provides all the needed commands to handle the full-stack project.

☝️ Check the installation page if you haven't installed the tuono CLI yet.

To list all the available commands, run tuono -h.

The React/Rust full-stack framework

Usage: tuono <COMMAND>

  dev    Start the development environment
  build  Build the production assets
  new    Scaffold a new project
  help   Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

To create a new project, run tuono new [NAME] (optionally you can pass the --template (or -t) flag - check the examples' folder).

Then to run the local development environment run inside the project folder tuono dev

Finally, when the project will be ready to be deployed just run tuono build to create the final React assets and to set the server project in the production mode.

Now to execute it, just run cargo run --release.

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