✨ Contributing
Pull Requests

Pull Requests


Once your changes are ready, you can create a PR!

If you are not familiar with GitHub pull requests, you can check the official documentation.

  • Please do:

    • Fill the template in full

      • If you are fixing an issue, bear in mind to link the issue itself in the PR description.
      • If you are adding a new feature, describe the intended use case that the feature fulfills.
    • Ensure your code is valid by running the test on you local machine. Refer to "Validate your changes" section

  • Please don't:

    • Do not use force push after marking the PR ready for review.

      Reasoning: GitHub cannot track changes across force pushes, which slows down our ability to perform incremental reviews.


The PR title must match the following format:

<type>[optional scope]: <short description>

You can find commit examples in the recent commits on main branch

Here are some examples:

  • feat: add support for react 19
  • ci: create install-node-dependencies action
  • feat(packages/tuono-router): use React.Context to pass data
  • test(packages/tuono): messageChannel - use vi.fn

We do not care about the number, or style of commits in your branch history, because we squash merge every PR into main.

Feel free to commit in whatever style you feel comfortable with.


Must be one of the following

  • docs - if you only change documentation, and not shipped code
  • feat - any new functionality additions
  • fix - any bug fixes that don't add new functionality
  • refactor - a code change that neither fixes a bug or adds a feature
  • test - if you only change tests, and not shipped code
  • ci - if you change something related to continuos integration
  • chore - anything else (e.g.: release)

optional scope

A scope may be provided to a commit's type, to provide additional contextual information and is contained within parenthesis E.g.: fix(crates/tuono): remove cargo warnings

short description

A succinct title for the PR. (The title max length is set to 100 characters)

Addressing review feedback

Once we've reviewed your PR, we’ll provide feedback on any changes that need attention. If you feel a suggested change isn’t correct, feel free to discuss it with us in the comments.

Please post your comments as line comments when possible so they can be threaded.

After addressing all feedback, whether through code changes or by starting a follow-up discussion, please re-request a review from each maintainer whose feedback you've addressed.

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