Setup project

Setup project

Create project folder

Tuono supports creating a new project from scratch using the tuono new CLI command.

tuono new my-first-tuono-app

💡 You can optionally pass the --template (or -t) flag to directly start from a template

Once the tuono new command finishes, move into the newly created folder.

cd my-first-tuono-app

Install dependencies

Now you can install the required dependencies.

npm install

💡 You can use another NodeJS package manager like yarn or pnpm

Run dev server

Now you can run the dev server for the first time from using:

tuono dev

⏰ The first time, the process takes a bit longer to start because it needs to compile all of Rust's dependencies. Subsequent executions will be much quicker!

Once it's ready, a message will be displayed in the terminal.

You can now open http://localhost:3000/ on the browser.

Build and test production build

To build the project using production mode, simply run:

tuono build

The above command has created the final assets in the out directory.

To run the production server, run:

cargo run --release

Again, you can access the website in production mode by going to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.

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