API routes

API routes


API routes offer a solution for building a public API using Tuono.

Any file inside the src/routes/api folder is mapped to the /api/* path and will be treated as an API endpoint, rather than a React route.

Tuono server is internally managed by axum. The API system allows you to create APIs using most of the axum syntax. Tuono re-exports axum tuono_lib::axum::* to be seamlessly used within any Tuono app.

The major differences are:

  • The function to be matched with Tuono's file system routing must have the tuono_lib::api(method) macro attribute on top of it.
  • The first argument of the function is always a tuono_lib::Request.

Tuono also supports dynamic routes for APIs.


If you create src/routes/api/books.rs with the following content, any HTTP GET request to /api/books will return a list of the queried books as JSON.

use tuono_lib::Request;
use tuono_lib::axum::response::IntoResponse;

use serde_json::{Value, json};

async fn book_list(req: Request) -> Json<Value> {
  let books = get_books_from_db().await;


Unlike React routes, API must not return tuono_lib::Response

The same file can contain multiple HTTP methods.

async fn get_book_list(req: Request) -> Json<Value> {

async fn add_book_to_library(req: Request) -> impl IntoResponse {
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